Group Discussion Tips
Are newspapers still relevant? Pros and Cons
Remixing of Music is Good or Bad : Ethical Dilemma
Advertisements : Good or Bad | Stunning Revelation
Should Military Training Be Made Compulsory in India? 10 Pros and Cons
Should Capital punishment be abolished? 10 Pros and Cons
Road Accidents in India : 10 ways to stop
Should Beauty Pageants be banned?
Is Gandhi still relevant today? 10 Point Analysis
Should Indian Railways be privatised? 10 Pros and Cons
10 Advantages and disadvantages of co-education
Should Tablets replace textbooks in schools ? Pros and Cons
Rohingya Crisis : 10 Point Solution
Tourism in India : 10 Amazing Ways to improve
Impact of Movies on Youth: 10 Shocking Observations
Why cases of Student Suicide are increasing? 5 Shocking Revelation
10 Advantages and Disadvantages of smart phones