Before discussing the advantages and disadvantages of co-education, let us understand what co-education is. When both boys and girls study together in the same class at the same school or college, it is called co-education. In our country, some schools and colleges provide education in a co-ed system. But some schools provide education only for boys or girls. Now let us discuss in detail the advantages and disadvantages of co-education.
Advantages of co-education
- Separate schools cause more burden for our county. India is a developing country. Many children are even today not able to get a proper education. If the schools are run separately for girls and boys, money spent on purchasing land, maintaining buildings, paying salaries for teachers, etc. becomes double. The same money can be used to provide education for needy children or build schools in those areas where schools are not present.
- Co-education teaches a sense of equality among boys and girls. When boys see that girls can perform equivalently to boys, it gives them a sense of respect for girls.
- After completing school and college, boys and girls both have to work together in all fields. If we see the visuals of the launch of the space mission from ISRO to march past the Republic Day parade everywhere, we can see that both are working together. If they study together, they can better coordinate with each other in the future.
- Some boys or girls feel uncomfortable with another gender. Co-education removes this hesitation.
- How does a co-ed system start? Many years ago, parents were not ready to send their girl child to school due to the boys in the school. At that time, separate schools were created to provide education to girls. But society has not changed. Now parents are educated enough to send their daughters to co-ed schools.
- So, we can say that co-education brings women empowerment. When girls compete with boys and outshine them, this brings confidence among girls that they are not less than anyone. Also, boys understand that girls are not only for domestic chores; they can also face tough challenges if given the proper opportunity.
- Co-education also helps improve the communication skills of the students. They learn how to talk to and behave with people of other genders. Also, know what to say and what not to say.
- India is a patriarchal society. Co-education removes the sense of discrimination from the minds of the students. This is a major point that goes in favour while discussing the topic of Advantages and disadvantages of co-education
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Disadvantages of co-education:
- Education requires concentration. If both boys and girls study together, it will not be possible. There will be a high possibility of love affairs and even teasing. This is a very general phenomenon among youth. Due to co-education, some students get diverted from their studies.
- Co-education will make it more difficult for shy students. Some students are so shy that they cannot express themselves in front of the other gender. They feel very uncomfortable in the co-ed system.
- Many parents still do not feel comfortable sending their daughters to study at co-educational institutes. If all the schools and colleges are co-educational, the cases of dropouts among girls will increase significantly.
- The girl’s safety is a major concern in a co-educational institution. Many cases of stalking, molestation, and sexual abuse have been reported, most of them in co-educational institutions.
Advantages and disadvantages of co-education: Conclusion:Â
In conclusion, on the topic of the advantages and disadvantages of co-education, we can say that co-education prepares children for real life. It is a sign of an educated and progressive society. We should encourage coeducation in our society. This will bring positive change among youth. However, it is also important to maintain discipline in the educational institution. Proper guidance should be given from the teachers and management that students should not get diverted. Also, the administration should keep tabs on the dropout rate at the school, especially among the girls. If the girls are dropping out of school due to co-education, the management should make the girl child, parents, and society understand the importance of co-education.
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